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My name is Elena. I am glad to welcome You on the website of our cattery of British shorthaired cats of silver and golden colors "NeoLit".Казанский питомник британских шиншилл NeoLit

It so happened that I can't imagine my life without cats, they are with me since I can remember. In different periouds of my life different cats lived with me : pedigree and home pets, but they totally took my heart, because it is impossible do not to love these gentle, intelligent and loyal creatures.

In 2010 one of the photos I saw the muzzle of a cat, her eyes were emerald green, and its hair was white and silver color, the tips of which seemed to cast a black veil, and I - I realized that in my house we will surely such a miracle...

And I found my miracle...

... my first pet was a cat  British Shorthair breed of silver shaded color,  and due to it my cattery was created...

I finished felinological courses, read a lot of books have studied the proposals of many of the catteries in Russia and abroad and decided to become a breeder..

And in my house Silver and Golden shaded cats  with green and blue eyes apeared.

A little bit about the breed...

British Shorthair cats... Sometimes, after being walked around the Internet and read advertisements about sale of the British kittens from parents, that has nothing similar with the specified breed, I understand that many people do not fully understand what is the difference between these graceful and majestic cats from ordinary cats who are walking on the street.
Британские шиншиллы из Казанского питомника NeoLit покоряют своим характеромSo let's start with the fact that the

British Shorthair cats - strong animals with broad and muscular body of a medium or large size, usually males are much larger and muscular then females, short neck, broad, well-developed chest, massive, well-developed shoulders and hips, even a strongback and a relatively short powerful legs.

Straight front legs are the same length as the rear. The feet are big, strong, curved shape. Short, thick tail gradually tapering to a rounded tip. Head with a broad skull, round shape. The outlines of faces from the British Shorthair is also reaching a circle, which increases coming from her the feeling of power and strength.

Head of adult cats British breed has some features - full cheeks, and "Cheshire smile", which are famous for classic British cats.

The nose is straight, with slightly curved at the base, short and wide. The ears are of medium size, in proportion to the head of the animal, with rounded tips, set wide apart on the head. The eyes are large, round, look open and very expressive. Eye color ranging from yellow to bright orange. Shaded colors and chinchillas have green or even emerald eye color, colors "point" is endowed with wonderful cornflower-sapphire eyes. The distance between the eyes must equal the width of the eye. 

For precious colours (silver and gold and chinchilla chinchilla point) is characterized by a so-called eye rings around the eyes, which creates the effect-up eyes. British chinchilla conquer their character, contact, goodwill, ability to adapt to different situations.                                                                                             

Kittens of a chinchilla are so sweet and charming that it is simply impossible to remain indifferent. Due to this chinchilla always stand against their other British relatives, shows, they always attract attention of the audience and not remain without attention of  experts.                                                

These cats will bring into the house a unique atmosphere of calm dignity, balance and softness. Their touching "the Cheshire smile" offers You a good and peaceful mood, removal of accumulated during the day stress, to conciliation.                                                   

To contain the British cats and cats is easy, and the joy of such an animal will be delivered to all members of your family, and of course will be a General favorite.

If You want to meet with my Pets and decide to buy a kitten of the British chinchilla from You favourite pair, I'll be glad to meet You and tell You many interesting facts about these wonderful animals.

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Warm regards,Elena Litskevich