Gr.Int.Ch. Russo Nickos Neo
Color: ns 1133 (Silver shaded point) Birth date : 27.02.2012 Parents: Dame: Ameli Precious Plush Dream (ns 11) Sir: Konnor Diamond-Pro (ns 1133) Breeder: Rusyaeva Larisa Owner: Litskevich Elena |
Russo Nickos Neo - our male of British shorthair, silver shaded color. It has very light and clear silver coat and deep blue eye color.
It has very soft but powerfull character.
It is real gentleman and all ladies around him are chamed by him.
On this pages you can see photos of our british shorthair,silver shaded male in different perioud of his life and show career.
тел: 8 927 4167920
8 927 4167919
8 843 2779452
Warm regards,Elena Litskevich